Block bet poker is a term commonly used in the game of poker, especially among poker enthusiasts. If you're new to poker, you may have heard this term but not know exactly what it means. Today, we'll help you understand the definition of this term and how to use block bet effectively to become a skilled player. What is Block Bet Poker? In poker, the game is played in rounds and involves four rounds in total. Players need to combine their cards to form the best possible hand and achieve a high winning rate. Players have the option to fold, check, raise, fold out of turn, see the next card, bet, or go all-in. You may often hear the term block bet during a game of poker, but what does it mean? Essentially, a block bet in poker is when you bet less than the normal bet size out of position (OOP) to avoid calling a larger bet. The purpose of using a smaller bet size is to encourage your opponent to call without raising, thereby preventing you from having to call a larger bet if you w...